Sell By Choice™ is a motivated approach to achieve predictable results versus the typical “roll of the dice” style of selling often taught to new sales people.
Sales can be difficult in the beginning.
At 28 I used this system with brand new sales people starting with $15,000 and a phone creating $10 million in 3 years with direct sales, person to person earning over $1 million in commissions.

1st year $1.8M, 2nd year $4.1, 3rd year made more profits
Along the way, I taught many amazing people how to use my system which allowed me to build companies in the process.
For instance, I used my sales system to train a team that dominated the security industry in my market. When our product was $4,000, we still out-sold them even when some of them were giving systems away for free.
This business sold 40% of the total volume of all 150 franchises combined created $20M in sales by developing the highest closing percentage and over 4,000 customers… using this sales system.
I consistently maintained a 50% or better personal closing percentage in sales of products and services. Including sales of $25,000 or more. Better yet, my sales team maintained an average over 35%. Out of the top 10% people in the organization, 80% were trained by THIS system.

but it wasn’t always that way…

Me at 23
I was the anxious salesperson who tried to hide my fear and followed direction. I went on appointments with dread and as the presentation progressed my anxiety grew, knowing they’d probably say no.
By the time I was asking for the sale my stomach was in knots.
If I could have quit, I would have.
Why didn’t I?
I could still remember a time when selling was fun.

Newspaper route age 8
I started like many entrepreneurs, my first job was delivering newspapers.
On Saturdays I increased my territory by knocking on doors to add new subscribers. I learned how to service existing clients and create new ones.

Fuller Brush at 15
At 15 I sold Fuller Brush because I could sell after school and deliver on weekends.
Although delivery was a drag… I learned a tremendous lesson from the process. Sell more in a concentrated area, I stuck to apartment complexes.

doesn’t everyone need one?
After I got my driver’s license, I learned how to sell vacuums.
The truth was that it was extremely hard.
Even the word vacuum, had it’s challenges.
My friends who saw what I was going through would ask “Why are you selling vacuums?”
Mainly because I was told it was easy, “everyone needs one” and I wanted to make money.
My take away was understanding that anything could be sold if you have a system.
I’m not suggesting everyone needs to start with selling something like vacuums, but for me, it did get me on a path of creating Sell by Choice™ .
The biggest thing I realized in myself and other new people is that there is tremendous amount of rejection which fuels doubt, fear and anxiety in their ability to sell.
Sell by Choice™ is A Proven Sales Training System was developed through the trial & error of my sales experience and tested on 100’s of sales people over 20 years in direct sales.
So why let,
one more sale slip away?
You know every sale that slips away is not just lost income,
it’s also a lost opportunity for 3 more sales down the line…
Why burn another great lead?
Every lost sale feels like another failure
more proof that you need help, but from who?
Why turn off another prospect?
Or maybe you’re pushing hard for the sale
and you know you’re close but you’re missing something,
watching as your prospects grow cold, tense and shut down…
Why not fix what’s broken?
As you’re reading this…
You know you’re missing a piece
or maybe you think something is broken.
Do you think pushing people helps?
Or maybe you hear “NO” and you forget everything you’ve learned and if you do try to say something, you feel like you’re being PUSHY.
Do you feel simply overwhelmed?
No matter what you sell, it can be confusing and complicated.
Do you know that you’re missing sales you should have had?
Do you find yourself saying “If I only knew what to say, when to say it and how to say it, I’d do it!”
Do you believe you’ll just never be good at selling?
Do you think “you’re either born knowing how to sell or not”.
Do you think to yourself, I’ll NEVER be as good as ‘them’ ?
If you’ve read this far,
you’re in sales or starting a business and you know the heartbreak of rejection.
I’ve been where you are now and I can help you.
I enjoy the moment I see hope,
when the sales person finally understands,
when they begin to believe,
that they can sell without pressure or anxiety but instead with a sense of confidence.
There is an intense feeling of freedom when you realize that financial success can be created predictably with right actions.
Sell by Choice™ is a predictable income system, very simple.
I can assure you it’s not easy to create a simple system, unless you’ve lived it.
This Sell by Choice™ Experience is built on fundamentals.
Fundamentals that are broken down into steps that make for perfect practice
…notice I didn’t say YOU have to be perfect to practice perfectly.
Once you follow the steps that you believe in, your activity (ACTIONS) will create results.
The results can be sales or simply knowing that the right ACTIONS will get you more sales.
While there is a lot to learn about the product or service you are selling, there are the inevitable “no’s”,
- the “I want to think about it”,
- “I have to talk to …..”,
- “I never buy on the same day…” etc.
that you will hear more often than yes.
It’s vital that the new person understand that there is a process in selling.
Once you understand the underlying reason for the no’s, the stall statements, how pressure is created and how to eliminate it, etc. you can begin to take heart and understand where you need to improve.
These improvements can be tracked and measured.
It will provide the success and encouragement to break through the learning curve.
Since I was one of the most negative, anxious salespeople I’ve ever met, I am very qualified to teach you how to resolve these unproductive states
I lived it, I came out to the other side.
I’ve taught it and I can teach you.
this is not for you, if…
you want a tip, trick or hack to get rich overnight.
or if you don’t care about quality products or customer satisfaction. Sell By Choice™ is built on both.
It took a lot of work but I did build 3 companies to $20M in revenue within 36 months each… and that was not get rich “easy”.
If you don’t want to “sell”, you are not going to like my stuff.
Whether you sell ideas, products or yourself, you gotta want to get out in front of people.
I sold personally, I trained brand new people to sell and then I focused on creating more leads, very well. I can teach you that.
Look, selling things is HARD WORK.
Until you are all up and running, then it can be just like you imagined: Predictable revenue and sales that come easily.
You’re still here? Good!
Here’s what you can expect from me.
I’m going to make you an offer to sell without fear, doubt, anxiety or pressure so you can make more offers with confidence and earn more money.
I believe in what I teach.
All of us earn our money by selling. I can give you relief from the struggle and fear of rejection.
The goal of Sell by Choice™ experiential course is to help you realize that selling can be fun and it’s possible to remove fear, doubt and anxiety from the sales process.
While you get results and earn money.
Opt-in for my free 3 part Video Training Series on The Sales Stall & eBook

Once we accept that we sell everyday already,
whether a product, an idea or even by simply trying to convince your friends to the see the movie you want… we can see the word “sales” in a different light.
You sell yourself everyday ~ “I can do this” or “I can’t do this”.
Now suspend the I can’t part of the selling process for a minute and say “I can do this” or “I want to do this”.
I want to Sell By Choice, not by chance™.
What comes next?
The How.
that’s where my Sell by Choice™ Sales FRAMEWORK comes in.

A sales system based on fundamental activities that produce predictable results.
Rather than focusing on rejection, your sales results etc., what if you could laser your attention on the activities that produce results?
Which one would you choose? That’s the start.
Forget about the sales, they will happen.
Consider that how well you do will depend on your fundamentals, the activities you do everyday and how good you are at executing them.
I’ve been successful in the past but to be successful in my online venture, I want you to succeed,
so you can count on my attention and my sincere commitment to help you as I have countless others.
Let’s talk!